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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

You Are Truly In Control

When you run your business, whether your do so with an iron fist or a light suggestive manner, you are the one who is in control. While this may sound trite and a little blunt, the truth is that perception control the world around us. If we believe ourselves to be weak, then it is so. If we believe ourselves incapable of commitment and hard work and steadiness of pace, then it is so. Our belief in ourselves is part of what makes us who we are. It is important to be able to separate yourself from the opinions of others, not because other people don’t matter, but because you must be able to stand on your own, as far as how you think of yourself. Of course you must be professional, and of course it matters how you appear to others, but their opinion of you must be separate from your opinion of yourself. This is absolutely a must, so that you can differentiate between the two.

The moment that you become unable to differentiate between your opinion and theirs is the moment that you lose control over your own perspective and how you think about things.

So how do you get in control if you are not or feel that you are not? You get it through information, knowledge, and more information. Without these things, you cannot hope to have even enough knowledge experience, not to mention life experience, to understand your own motivations and reasons for doing things, must less those of your subordinates. You are, indeed, truly in control.

The more information you possess and absorb, the better you will be able to separate the opinions of yourself and others. This is necessary in order to establish a solid baseline for your identity and for your leadership in a group.

Workplace drug testing laws are the state’s method of bringing this about, to a small extent. Many companies use Drug & Alcohol Testing, even if they do not have to, in order to acquire information on their employees and therefore be able to make reasonable assumptions regarding their performance. Mediscreen provides Onsite Drug & Alcohol Testing, and we take pride in our drug screening methods.

Monday, September 24, 2012

The More Failure, The More Success

Yes, we’ve all heard it before, “You cannot succeed until you fail many times.” Well, that is truly depressing when you start out with a great idea and want it to succeed on the first try. After all, you certainly wouldn’t want to PLAN failure, would you?Indeed. You might want to plan failure.

Failure itself is not bad. It is like doing an experiment. You try to mix various chemicals together and you see what happens. Listing something as a success or as a failure is somewhat counterproductive. After all, if you are randomly mixing chemicals together in your laboratory experiment and you make observations in your notebook about what is going on, none of the experiments can be a failure. They are merely observations. Why can’t failure be seen as this on other things in life? Why can’t people view failure as something to observe and examine and take note of and pay attention to? After all, there is not any difference between observing a failure and observing a success. The study of each provides information as to the cause of different attitudes and sources of the failures and the successes. One cannot really bring subjectivity to the surface, can they?

Oh, but it is difficult to fail at something and to not have an emotional reactive thought about it. It is very difficult to be able to judge something when your reason and logic are on vacation. How do you get from negative emotional reactions to the ability to see failure as something which should be observed objectively like your success?

The answer is: practice. When you are learning how to play the piano, you will not get better without lots and lots of practice. Over and over again, you must practice failing and reacting to failure appropriately to gradually begin to control your emotions. Then, you can do anything.

Workplace drug testing is a fairly successful operation. You do not find many mistakes in protocol, even if it is an onsite drug and alcohol screening operation. Workplace drug testing laws only bring so much stability, and you have to bring the rest, through regular alcohol testing and drug screening. For more information regarding Onsite Drug & Alcohol Testing.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Re-forging Relationships

Relationships are delicate plants which need to be loved and nurtured and fed. Without proper care, they become hard and inflexible. Just like living tissue, relationships need proper nutrition and cellular flexibility and the ability to effectively throw off waste products. Without these properties of living tissue, relationships can become hard and stressful and detrimental and even poisonous. It is necessary for the growing individual to gain wisdom and life experience in developing and maintaining relationships, and to continue this learning process throughout their lives.

If you cannot continue this process of growth in your relationships, then you may find yourself becoming increasingly incompetent at maintaining your current relationships with anyone, and this can result in not having any friends or close buddies. This is an example of using a muscle, or losing it. You must use it or lose it.

Re-forging broken relationships is another battle entirely. It is on a whole new level of difficulty. Not only are you trying to replace old, more destructive habits, but you have all of these emotional ties to the person, all of which makes reason and common sense rarely seen. Fortunately, having a stable work environment can build these relationships more easily and more effectively. It is like having a safe environment in which to experiment about what you would or would not do for yourself and your loved ones. At work, there is a certain amount of leeway or human error that is allowed. This corresponds to the work to be done and the skill required to do it. Individuals with the most responsibility really have the most leeway and therefore can take on extra “experimentation” points.

Part of safety in the workplace is drug and alcohol testing, and some workplace drug testing laws in Australiaeven require that entire industries regularly schedule employee drug testing. Mediscreen provides onsite drug and alcohol testing services to any company in Australia, and we are particularly proud of our mobile services. Onsite drug and alcohol screening is so much more convenient than regular conventional methods. We would love to answer any questions which you may have about how to better protect your company throughout your business career.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Quality vs. Quantity Time

Quality time is especially defined by personal enjoyment of the time spent on something or with someone. Quality does not, in perfectly logical terms, have to involve deep meaningful conversation. It can be simply bonding together over sex or enjoying a football game together. Quality time becomes very subjective between two partners or between business associates who are trying to make a deal. In fact, the very definition of a power breakfast or power lunch is that in which everyone gets the highest quality for the time spent in discussion.

So, in the business, world, what are the real differences between quality and quantity time? The purpose of quantity time, how much time you spend in association with a partner or company, will affect how solid their reputation is over a certain period of time. If their products or services show consistency or value and if their company shows stability and good management, this is an indication of their quality. Their quality measurement increases as this consistency and value persists.

This means that the quality-quantity ratio has very real interconnections and that you cannot really separate the two. Whenever the question of either arises, your first question should be, “Are we being consistent?” After consistency is evaluated and found to be even, then you can move on to the safety of your staff, then the efficiency of your operations, and end with the quality of your end product or service.

In other words, even the quality is affected by deeper roots and attitudes. In order to keep these attitudes straight and parallel, you may need to implement or step up your workplace drug testing. Employees should feel as if they are working in a safe, secure environment, and this is especially true in high hazard industries. Protocol absolutely must be followed. Investment absolutely must be made. Your employees are the life blood of your company, and their safety equals the safety of your company. Drug screening, particularly onsite drug and alcohol screening, really creates a framework within which to build a good solid set of safety rules.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Drug Abuse in Aviation

Aviation lends itself to getting away with a lot, especially if you travel for your job. Abuse is less noticed, and substance abuse can easily be covered up, since not everyone with whom you work will be able to discern unnatural or inconsistent behavior in you. In aviation, you can get away with a lot more illicit behavior if you travel for your career. However, this will not always be the case, since you can easily have drug and alcohol testing leveraged at you. Employee drug and alcohol screening is especially important to implement in high hazard industries such as aviation, because in many high hazard industries, drug and alcohol testing is a requirement. Mediscreen simply makes the whole process so much easier by offering onsite drug and alcohol screening. Onsite testing means that you are tested and evaluated at your place of work, and then any suspicious samples are taken by to the lab for further examination. It is really as simple as that.

There are other dangers to drug abuse at high altitudes than just the effects which can occur at normal altitudes. Your body may be affected in specific ways, such as respiratory function, ability to maintain balance and coordination in a moving aircraft, and the ability to hold down food and liquids. Also, your sense of coordination and reality may be really affected by mixing higher concentrations of oxygen with your drug of choice. There are many ways of going about experiencing this process. None of them are safe, and anyone who is in control of passengers’ safety will easily find themselves putting many lives in danger from this practice. This does not just include the pilot, but anyone who works on or in or outside of the aircraft. Regular maintenance and testing are part of passenger safety, too.

Mediscreen provides onsite drug and alcohol testing for companies all over Australia. We love our job, and we love what we are able to do for the environment. Our testing procedures are cleaner, simpler, more cost effective, and more time efficient. We believe in getting it right the first time.

Deep in Denial

Denial is a very dangerous place to be in. Denial can mask the truth and can mask signs of danger or of trouble up ahead. It can warp perception as bad as any alcohol, and it can create a desire for escape, just as much as any drug withdrawal. Denial can be deadly. Denial can breed fear.

In the workplace environment, you must be able to see and accept truth and reality. Not doing so can cost you your job, your income, your perception, your promotion, your successful relationships, and your own peace of mind. Often, sniveling groveling doormat employees who are in denial about the responsibilities which they should be taking pride in find themselves with very little peace of mind. Denial can rob you of your peace. Employees who are overly aggressive or domineering may tell themselves that they are keeping their environment efficient and making more money for the company, when in fact they are intimidating and frightening other employees. Denial can create hatred, bitterness, and resentment in otherwise productive environments.

Unfortunately, substance abuse can increase denial in anyone. One of the reasons why employees are tested for drugs and alcohol is that they can fall deeper into denial and believe things which they know in their hearts to not be true, and vice versa. Denial can not only destroy employee-employer relationships, but it can greatly affect coworker relationships. Taking personal responsibility for your actions is something that nobody really wants to do, but it makes your world a lot more tolerable.

Denial is a disease, but it is a disease of the psyche. One cannot exactly go to a pharmacy and obtain a drug prescription for it. This is why it is so important to understand it and fight it off as soon as it appears. The ability to engage with reality is the hallmark of some of the best employees.

Drug screening is necessary in order to help keep denial at bay. Drug and alcohol testing is quite effective in treating denial, depression, and the inability to cope. How is it a treatment? Onsite drug and alcohol screening can be instrumental in helping you take personal responsibility for your life.