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Monday, December 24, 2012

Managing Time with Onsite Drug and Alcohol Testing

When you are implementing onsite drug and alcohol screening, you will need to manage your company’s time around this. After all, your employees will be tested right there at your place of business, and you must have a plan for how you’re going to get it all done in a nice, organized way.

First, compartmentalize your employees into different sections of people. This can be different departments, which may be tested at different times, or it can just be based upon location or the first letter of their last names. When planning for your company’s onsite drug and alcohol testing, organize your employees into groups of twenty or fifty.

Secondly, schedule the testing based upon Mediscreen’s evaluation of time and resources which will be available. You will just call us up and ask us about standard testing procedures, and get the information that you need concerning the size of your place of business, how many of Mediscreen’s employees will be working for your operation, and schedule all of this time in that manner.

Third, make sure that your employees’ records are secure. Since all of their testing records will be stored at your place of business, it is important that access to that database is extremely limited and that your business has a very safe storage plan for keeping them safe and confidential.

Workplace drug testing is easily performed. At Mediscreen, we have been doing it for years, and we love it. Alcohol testing in Australia is so easy now that Onsite Drug & Alcohol Testing is available for those who wish to skip the cost and inconvenience of normal laboratory testing. Our methods are safe and effective, and our work is based upon knowing our business well. When you are setting up your drug screening schedule, determine whether or not you wish to make random drug testing a part of your plans, or if you simply wish to go with regularly scheduled testing. Be sure to call Mediscreen up and find out more from our experts who are standing by to answer your questions. In fact, just call us today.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ease of Emotional Strain

Emotional strain is one of the worst feelings to have, and it can create a domino like effect in the world around you. If you are angry with your spouse, then you yell at your assistant, who responds with an attitude, to which you get offended, and then end up taking something personally which was in no way intended to be taken personally.

When you are looking for ways to ease the emotional strain of your employees, remember that prevention and information do wonders for the effect that positive influence can have on your company. Your employees should feel safe from you and whatever temper you may be blessed with, and they should feel safe from each other, no matter who they work with. Workplace Alcohol Drug Testing carries a whole new weight of responsibility for employees who wish to remain employed with your company. We know that sometimes an employee does not really care about sticking around, but for those who do care; it is really helpful to implement measures for their benefit and on their behalf.

Onsite drug and alcohol screening not only evaluates which of your employees may have been abusing illicit substances recently, but it aids in showing your employees that you wish to protect their sense of safety and that you wish to protect their jobs in safekeeping. It shows that you are loyal to your team.

When you end up getting drug & alcohol testing, you will find that even your good employees may mutter a little bit about it, but remember that this is somewhat like a parent doing what is best for their child, even if their child resents it in the short term. It really is about preserving their safety and their jobs. Drug screening is a potent tool to make sure that loyal workers are able to remain with the business for as long as they choose, rather than feeling squeezed out by less qualified workers. Even something as seemingly inane as drug abuse can breed an atmosphere of belief in things not being fair. Continue to treat your employees fairly. Use workplace drug testing in your company today. 
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Monday, December 17, 2012

Belief in Yourself

Belief in yourself is an often undervalued trait. People talk about having belief in yourself through cute little inspirational quotes, but often people do not actively teach this trait to each other or learn it themselves. Some people have belief in themselves to a certain degree, but it is always something which can be easily overlooked when times become difficult.

Having self respect and self confidence is a little different. These are views of yourself and your own nature. Having belief in yourself is another matter. It refers to the ability to see your own potential, unaffected and unable to be affected by the actions or opinions of others, and to act on it with fervor and with anticipation.

You remember a time when you were a small child and you were eager to ride your first bike or try out climbing those stairs. It is a feeling of excitement to try something new and to actually believe that you can achieve it if you keep trying. As adults, we have been somewhat programmed to give up if we pursue something that we really want and it does not come to us easily. Here is where the two opinions are kind of muddled together. One is based upon anticipation of learning a new skill or becoming good at a new character trait. The other is based upon going with your gut feeling on matters which are of importance to you.

Drugs and alcohol can rob you of this belief in yourself, and companies which implement onsite drug and alcohol screening are taking a step toward helping their employees to achieve their own personal goals. After all, if an employee cannot do that by working for you, what reason do they have to stay? Drug screening is the step toward building a better future. Drug testing Australia is easy now that Mediscreen is providing onsite testing. Drug alcohol testing is vital to your business being everything that it can be. If your employees are able to experience job development and growth through the use of this preventive and informative measure, then so much the better for everyone. Drug & alcohol testing is strong and effective. To implement alcohol testing in your own company, call Mediscreen today.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Trying to Take Responsibility for Others

It is impossible to take responsibility for other people, but many people feel this way if they have grown up with low emotional intelligence. They know that they have an impact on the lives of other people, and since they cannot impact their own lives, they seek to gain control or at least a feeling of control over others. When this happens, they feel temporarily satisfied, but the feeling does not stick. Unfortunately, this is the way that low emotional maturity can be passed down from generation to generation, and from boss to employee. Intolerance and the inability to handle life is one of the crowning achievements of insufficient emotional strength or knowledge.

When you feel yourself wishing to take responsibility for another, or when you feel yourself taking on their own stuff, you are crossing a line. It is reasonable. You have never really been taught where the line is. However, you must learn where it is and you cannot learn where it is by constantly overstepping it or by always being afraid of offending someone.

Fortunately, businesses throughout Australia have company policies, where they delineate appropriate and inappropriate behavior among employees, even with regard to one another. This is an encouraging thought, since it means that you will be able to keep your job without being way too careful and without blowing up in anger at someone else. Part of company policy is implementing workplace drug testing laws where applicable, and just plain old drug screening and your average alcohol testing to fill in the gaps. You see, drug and alcohol testing is part of a widespread movement which is designed to keep company assets within companies, and to keep employee safety around employees. It also protects companies from being sued by their employees if someone is fired and they bring a lawsuit against the business for unfair termination of employment. Onsite drug & alcohol testing can assist in ensuring that your business is fully aware of what is going on, and that you employees are, too.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Psychology of Personal Transformation

        Drug Test Perth
When removing themselves from bad experiences, unhealthy relationships, or dependence upon drugs or alcohol, many people seek to reinvent themselves. They strive to change their appearance, make new friends, change their socio-economic status, move to another location, and change their habits to new ones. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, because old mental habits and old psychological tendencies are still available to the individual when the going gets tough. They really do try to change their world, but there is still some disease left inside of them, and they must literally change their thinking and the chemical composition of their bodies if they hope to win against abuse.

You must be willing to leave your identity behind.

There is a comfort to returning to the old habits, and abusing old systems of behavior when you are afraid of change or things seem to be more stressful than you can handle. When this happens, you must remember that you have control over every part of yourself, including your mental habits and your identity. Changing these things will change you, but it will not erase your memories or parts of you which you desire to keep intact. Rather, it will weed out the musty old toys of your childhood and replace them with new adult tools which you can use to rebuild your life.

Workplace drug testing brings peace of mind to the employer AND to the employee. While many people are good at keeping up their own work ethic, fewer people are as talented at keeping up their own self control while on the jobsite. It is kind of a relief to employees who are on the brink of returning to old abuse to have rules and regulations in place, much like it is comforting to a child to have a strong parent who sticks to their guns during an argument.

Alcohol testing allows you to evaluate employees who are behaving suspiciously and drug screening brings about peace of mind with regard to illicit practices which are much harder to detect. Alcohol and drug testing combined is a powerful and non-emotional ally when a business needs hard facts to work with. For more information about onsite drug & alcohol testing, call Mediscreen today.