When encountering day to day tasks and responsibilities, you may begin to equate one pressure with another. This is dangerous, because you can end up spending a great deal of time on a less important task, and not enough time on a very important one. Let’s look at the different types of pressure you may encounter on a daily basis.
First and foremost, we have the time sensitive pressures. Anything which is on a deadline and which requires you to get it done on time or all of your work will be wasted…is important. This is what you should be focusing on more than anything else. When the time sensitive tasks are out of the way, you can more leisurely work on less time sensitive objectives.
Secondly, we have person sensitive pressures. These are pressures which relate to a specific person, whether it is a client, a boss, a coworker, or a subordinate. People skills are needed, and this is the second most important objective because it is dependent upon the needs or desires of someone else. It is not just numbers. This is definitely a task which requires priority. Someone is being kept waiting, after all.
Thirdly, you have the self fulfillment tasks. These are goals or pressures which will, in the end, be better for you. However, if you find yourself putting these tasks off for more mundane ones, then you may be looking at giving too much of your energy away, and not restoring that energy enough. Employee drug & alcohol testing definitely falls in this category. Alcohol testing in Australia is based upon an agreement between a business and their client and the fact that drug screening protects everyone. Now, obviously onsite drug and alcohol screening cannot actually come off of the page and keep people from doing stupid things, but it can help you to evaluate and detect dangerous employees in your midst. This is how alcohol and drug testing can be beneficial for your business.
The last pressure is just everyday mundane pressures, which you really should be used to, anyway. Typically, people who abuse drugs or alcohol are overwhelmed by those, though, as well. For more information on our onsite testing services, call Mediscreen today.
This article has been taken from http://mediscreen.net.au/articles/?p=2020