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Monday, March 31, 2014

Work Can Take Away the Pain

Drug Testing Australia
Drug Testing Australia
Work is a useful tool for healing many things, especially if they are non-physical things.

When you work and when you sweat in hard physical labor, your body and your emotions are tied together, and you begin working some of the pain and heartache and trouble and bad stuff out of your system, no matter where you got it from.

Work can definitely take away the pain.

Has work been used to help rehabilitate people?

All over the world, various prison systems use something like slave labor for prisoners to do large amounts of work for a very small price which the state is able to turn around and sell for top dollar, thus bringing in a pretty hefty profit.

However, other than these crude so-called attempts at rehabilitation, the idea that work can literally pull something bad out of your mind and emotions is something which has only been learned and experimented with on a personal or individual scale. In the workplace environment, this phenomenon is not really possible to replicate, unless you happen to have a labor intensive job, and your employees are really feeling in the mood for rehabilitative exercises. We’re guessing that they’re not, at the moment.

Mediscreen, instead, provides onsite drug & alcohol testing for businesses which need a safe, efficient, and mobile solution for their various jobsites. Rather than sending your employees perhaps very long distances to the nearest city in order to be screened, Mediscreen will travel to every jobsite in Australia which hires us, screen your employees for you, and provide you with the accurate, scientific data you need in order to make good decisions for your business. You may not be able to take any problems out of your workers by working it out of them, but you will be able to know if there are any problems in the first place.

Mediscreen is NATA accredited for onsite drug testing, and we are so proud to represent drug testing in Australia. Whatever your worksite situation, no matter how many employees you have, we are here for you, and we will bring the convenience and accuracy of onsite drug and alcohol screening

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Friday, March 28, 2014

Taking Pressure the Right Way

Drug Alcohol Testing
Drug Alcohol Testing
Taking pressure correctly is one of the many advantages to enduring the world around us with grace and harmony. In fact, during these troubled times, if you feel the need to freak out because the pressure is too high, then remember that, for many people, pressure is necessary in order to even feel productive, much more so to be productive. Pressure allows the work force and the will to craft something great with your mind and hands to come into full fruition, because it pushes that little bit of creative energy out of your imagination and manifests in the real world.

If you have dealt with pressure for most of your life, you may not feel up to having any more pressure in your life. That is okay. You may have just had too much of it for too long. However, if you take a break from it and then come back, you will find that having had it for so long will have made you otherwise very immune to it, and that you will do better in higher pressure situations. Drug screening is useful for those situations when your workers have just been worked a little too long and little too hard lately.

Some of them may have fallen off the wagon of rehabilitation. They may have temporarily (it is hoped that it is temporary) returned to their old ways of dealing with stress. Workplace drug testing is part of this important role that an employer has of guiding their employees along a successful, richness-gaining career path, as well as being influential in their life path. Drug testing is a crucial part of this process. Mediscreen brings onsite drug and alcohol testing to the forefront of the Australian marketplace, and we are NATA accredited for this onsite drug testing.

Pressure is meant to focus your energy when you are either unable to do it yourself or when you are having trouble accomplishing this task set before you with directed passion. Drug and alcohol test focuses your employees on their jobs, rather than on their old habits they may start wishing to resume. It’s good for everybody.

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Step Through the Looking Glass

Drug Test Perth
Drug Test Perth
Let’s say that you are on a field trip with your business. Everyone is meant to go to another office or location in the company, or to visit a similar company and be shown around the business as guests. You look at how other people look at and perform their jobs, and you wonder at the difference in styles, techniques, perspectives, and the way in which they seem to be faster, better, and friendlier than your team is.

Of course, that may not be what it is actually like, but the differences show you where your business or team is stronger and where it is weaker in comparison with the other business.

Step through the looking glass when you are evaluating your employees. You will need to see them, not just from your perspective, but from the perspective of everyone with whom they come in contact. This can include delivery truck men, warehouse managers, service specialists, clients, business partners, customers, and your family. Step through the looking glass when you are evaluating your workers, because you do not always see just what kind of people they are, even if you are pretty sure what you are seeing from your own perspective.

In the end, there is nothing quite like good, cold, scientific data. You must be able to read these reports, too, even if they reveal information which disturbs you or makes you uncomfortable. Workplace drug testing provides the information on potential employee substance abuse and you need to know about it as soon as it happens.

Mediscreen is NATA accredited for our onsite drug testing services, but more than that, we want to help make your business stronger and more impenetrable. That means, you must be willing to see the data which comes from the onsite drug & alcohol testing you have hired from us. If you have a few favorite employees, this may be difficult for you, but the job of a leader who sets a firm example never is. You will have to decide what to do about any drug or alcohol abuse which shows up on the testing results. We are sure that you will do what is best for your business in the end, whatever that may entail.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Shame and Guilt

Drug Testing Australia
Drug Testing Australia
Shame and guilt are two sides of the same coin, and they bring about the same sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, as well as making you act and behave differently, especially when confronted with your guilt.

Shame and guilt have caused many people ulcers and other types of bodily ailments, especially when they are not identified, acknowledged, and dealt with in more appropriate forms of expression. When someone denies themselves the examination of their shame or guilt, they often develop physical ailments which lead to intense physical pain, all in their body’s attempt to draw their attention to the underlying problem.

Well, we have all felt shame in varying degrees, and we have all felt like we could never rest easy if we did not unburden ourselves, but for some, this ends up being a way of life. Well, that can cause intense amounts of pain, psychologically and emotionally, not to mention the physical repercussions mentioned above, and therefore it is necessary to remember that anyone who works for you may be suffering from this and may need to unburden themselves in counseling or group therapy. Guilt is overwhelming and it can lead to a desire to cover up the pain by abusing drugs or alcohol. In the end, your employees could be abusing substances before coming to work or after arriving at work.

This behavior endangers the safety of other people and it breeds an attitude of desperation and discontent. It is necessary to identify who is doing this among your employees, not only for the safety of their coworkers, but for their own safety, as well. It is necessary to be kind and gentle with them and to help them find a program which will ease their suffering and allow them to return to work without endangering any of their coworkers or your concern for your company assets. After all, if there is not a way for them to seek help, they may choose to keep abusing substances until they run out of options and do something really dangerous.

We all need help of differing kinds. To learn more about onsite drug testing & alcohol testing, like the kind that Mediscreen does, be sure.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Screening Private Contractors

Drug Testing Australia
Drug Testing Australia
As a private contractor, the author feels uniquely qualified to discuss the possibility and probability of screening private contractors.

First of all, private contractors have their own way of doing things and this may or may not involve having their sub contractors or underlings screened for substance abuse on a regular basis.

That is okay.

Here are some examples of when you may wish to insist on this practice.

When your private contractors are involved with direct employee safety, then you might want to have them screened. When they are part of a high hazard industry in which they will be working for you, then workplace drug testing laws may require this to happen, anyway. Make sure that they are following all procedures, so that your employees are as safe as possible. When your private contractors come onto the jobsite, make sure that you are legally covered for any work related accidents, including drug screening and alcohol testing of people who can bring liability upon the company if there is an injury or, god forbid, worse.

Screening private contractors certainly does not have to be all inclusive, but it should include any legal ramifications which your company will want to avoid. Drug and alcohol testing provides a scientifically backed paper trail and that is immensely helpful to have if or when your company is put in a compromising situation.

Screening private contractors is really no big deal. If they are not screened by an outside company, then you can just have them tested along with your other employees. Mediscreen provides onsite drug & alcohol testing, which means that we screen your employees at your worksite. It’s as simple as that.

Workplace drug testing is wonderful for prolonged projects and situations where an outside contractor is with your company for a long time or as a permanent stand-in. Mediscreen is NATA accredited for onsite drug testing, and we pride ourselves on our ability to bring convenience and service to your company. For more information on how alcohol and drug testing can aid you in your own business contracts and handling your business employees.

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Monday, March 24, 2014

Interview with a Current Drug Addict

Drug Testing Australia
Drug Testing Australia
Drug addicts are difficult to assess sometimes, and therefore it may be helpful to have an interview with one and ask their own opinion of the situation. Here we go:

What do you find to be the most difficult part of being a drug addict?

Well, I think that it is important to always be independent, but I’m not really independent when I have this problem. I need the drugs, and when I don’t have them, then my whole world falls apart. It’s like always needing to have oxygen, but having to pay for the oxygen you breathe.

Why did you become involved with drugs in the first place?

Well, it was really a matter of being stressed out all of the time, and when I couldn’t handle it for long periods of time at a time, then I became more involved with things which made me feel better. I started out with alcohol, but then that eventually led to drugs.

Have you tried to use any rehabilitative programs?

Yeah, I’ve been in rehab quite a bit, but I just couldn’t make it stick. With rehab, you have to take responsibility for everything you’ve ever done while under the influence, and while I could definitely get to a point where I could do without the drugs after I’d gone through withdrawal, I couldn’t handle taking care of myself or dealing with my past mistakes on top of that, too.

What would happen if you just tried to do a partial rehabilitation?

Well, I’d probably be okay at it, but it’s a lot easier to just go back to the drug and let it take care of me. I’m not one for creating extra stress for myself if I don’t have to. Also, I think that’s the same viewpoint that a lot of people or addicts have.

Have you found that drug abuse has changed you at all as a person?

Yeah, I found that I don’t remember what my old personalities used to be like. Old friends and people who have known me for years, if I run across one of them now, they tell me that I’m completely different.

If you are looking to implement onsite drug and alcohol testing in your company, go to a business which uses NATA accredited onsite drug screening. Use Mediscreen when you want to implement workplace drug testing in your own company.

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Friday, March 21, 2014

Emotionless Responses to Excited Employees

Drug Testing Australia
Drug Testing Australia
Let’s say that one of your workers has gone off on a tangent. They are yelling, screaming, being obnoxious, preaching about their beliefs, or just generally causing a disturbance in the office or worksite. Well, we know what that’s like. There are plenty of people who are far more vocal than it is professional to be.
Sometimes, somebody is just truly obnoxious. It is important to know how to handle your employees, no matter in what way they are excited. There has to be an atmosphere of calm professionalism in your demeanor toward other people, and your workers should all follow this lead.
Even if there is exciting news, keep relative calm (but joyful) and when there is bad news, take it in stride, and make sure that everybody sees you taking it in stride. By observing the actions and reactions of their leader, employees model their own behavior toward various situations. That means that you must always be on your guard as to your own behavior.
Mediscreen is part of a global effort to bring drug and alcohol testing to the private sector. Drug testing in Australia is a lot better because of the efforts of Mediscreen, a company which specializes in onsite drug and alcohol testing. We are also accredited by NATA for onsite drug testing. That means that we have an advantage in the business marketplace.
Today, Mediscreen brings you the best of onsite drug and alcohol screening by providing you screening services right at your place of work, and we do so quickly and efficiently and accurately. In drug screening, accuracy is of primary importance and we are proud to represent the drug & alcohol testing industry. With Mediscreen, you can make sure that excited employees are just, er, exuberant and nothing else. With Mediscreen, you can really make sure that none of your employees are breaking company policy.
We believe in you. Our services back that up. With the information from drug screening, you are able to make calm, rational decisions in the privacy of your own office.
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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Do You Put Yourself in Bad Situations?

Alcohol Drug Testing
Alcohol Drug Testing
When interviewing a former police officer and detective, the author asked this man about men and women who put themselves in dangerous situations. How likely was a woman to fend off an attack from a man if in physical conflict with him? How likely is someone to take up drugs if they live in a drug infested neighborhood? His answers are simple, and yet very clear.
Women are better off avoiding the situation of physical conflict with men, in the first place. If they can park under a streetlight, rather than in the shadows, and only travel around with friends, rather than doing everything at night alone, they are far more likely to be safe. In fact, it is usually a question of the types of situations that women put themselves in.
What about drugs? The author asked this ex-detective how likely someone is to abuse drugs if they are around drug abusers or violence a lot of the time. His answer was that at least eighty percent of the time, a clean person will begin engaging in permanent drug or alcohol abuse if they are in regular contact with more two people who abuse substances. He also said that it is easier to stay clean in a drug infested neighborhood than it is to stay clean in a drug infested workplace, because you are always around those with whom you work and their energy regularly washes off on you.
Now, that’s interesting.
Workplace drug testing is brought to you by Mediscreen, a company which is accredited by NATA for onsite drug testing, and which regularly brings onsite drug and alcohol screening to your business. We know that you want to avoid the above situations and protect your business from intrusion from within and from without. The way to do this is through regular employee screening. Onsite drug & alcohol testing is important for Australia. It is important for business as a whole. It is important for you. Trust us with your business, and you will end up trusting us with your money. We are good for business drug screening.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Den Behavior

Drug & Alcohol Testing
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Anyone who has any great experience with dogs knows that dogs travel and play and fight in packs and that when a dog joins a human family, they become part of his pack. Of course, all humans are alphas and the dog is meant to be the beta and to obey, but you can see how the home is the dog’s den. It is all very well and good as long as everyone observes proper den behavior. For instance, if the beta (dog) tries to dominate over the alpha (human), then a change of relationship can occur if the human allows this.
In other forms of proper den behavior, each member of the pack contributes to the good of the whole and every creature takes turns bringing home food and supplies for the pack. In a business place, each employee is contributing to the good of the whole company, unless they are breaking company policy or are in some other way making the company legally liable for their own actions. Employees should not be a liability to the business, and this is one of the many reasons why employee drug screening is being used by the vast majority of companies throughout Australia.
Mediscreen tops this list of high quality drug and alcohol testing companies. We are accredited by NATA and we enjoy a lot of pride in our work and the services which we are able to bring to businesses like yours. Our job is to help you succeed, and workplace drug testing is definitely part of this process.
Onsite drug & alcohol testing is what we specialize in, because you need information on whether every member of your pack is contributing to the good of the den. Every employee must be working productively and efficiently, all of which is impeded by hazy memories, bogged down brains, and slow to nonexistent reflexes. Make sure you are informed properly by your drug screening service. If not, consider choosing NATA accredited onsite drug testing from Mediscreen for your next onsite drug and alcohol screening company. We would be proud and honored to have you for a client.
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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Daily Chores and Fixed Intent

Drug & Alcohol Testing
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Some people believe in the power of intention or visualization when it comes to manifesting or attracting certain things into your life. They believe that you get what you put out and that your thoughts have power and influence over what happens to you, even if your actions are something different entirely.
In this method of thinking and acting, you must combine your daily tasks with your thoughts of what you wish to manifest in your life. In other words, it’s not just a matter of picturing something in your mind and then focusing on it. Also, it is not a matter of always working toward your goal intentionally and on purpose.
Rather, the power of your skills can be found in starting right where you are, in the work and home making skills which you already implement. Then, while you are doing those things, mentally picture your goal or dream. Now, when you are at your leisure or engaging in rest and relaxation, you should make your goals or dreams more detailed and focus on them with more intensity and really perfect your vision for the future. During working hours, however, just have a general picture in your mind while you are going about your daily tasks, whether at home, with your family, at work, or traveling.
Mediscreen provides onsite drug and alcohol testing for businesses all over our nation, and Australia has particularly benefitted from the onsite drug and alcohol screening companies, like ours. We are cost effective, efficient, and high quality. Our work speaks for itself. If you would like to know for sure what is going on with your workers, particularly ones about which you are not really sure, then Mediscreen is the company for you. We are NATA accredited for onsite drug testing, and we bring this level of quality and customer service to your business. If you would like to hire us, even for a short time, remember that we come to you and we screen your employees. All you have to do is relax and let us do our jobs. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Mediscreen today.
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Monday, March 17, 2014

Cocaine Exports and War Torn Countries

Drug Testing Australia
Drug Testing Australia
Cocaine exports from Columbia or any of the other countries which specialize in the growing and export of drugs really cause a crisis for that nation, economically. What happens is that, while any export is beneficial for the good of the nation, selling drugs in order to make money is kind of a national form of soft prostitution. There is a mentality of “survival” rather than one of “abundance.” There is a starvation mentality, rather than a secured mentality. That means that, no matter how ludicrous the business, cocaine and other exports from a nation are what is damaging the local economy, overall. That also means that, if people were to export legal commodities and set up trade agreements with other countries, there would be an atmosphere of cooperation, rather than one of competition and “not enough.”
Of course, as with all poor neighborhoods, if the local economy is one of starvation then violence tends to inevitably ensue. Therefore, drug running is a great way to bring an added layer of war and violence to a nation, more so than any which might already exist in it.
Now that we’re done talking about all of the lovely political mumbo-jumbo, let’s talk about how you can protect your own assets, your company, your revenue, and everything that belongs specifically to you. The attitudes behind the business are what determines how the company really is and how it will grow in the future. Nothing else is really a part of this except the mentality, planning, and carefully guarded protection provided by the leadership of said company.
Mediscreen brings drug and alcohol testing to your business right there onsite. We are NATA accredited for urine testing, and our onsite drug and alcohol testing services are unparalleled. We believe in peace, in creating peace, in preserving it, and we believe in the power of management and proper leadership to make a business unstoppable.
That is what we do.
We invest our time and resources in companies to help make them stronger. That is what any drug & alcohol testing company is doing, really. For more information on the safety and stability provided by drug screening with Mediscreen.
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Friday, March 14, 2014

Choose Your Attitude Change

Drug Testing Australia
Drug Testing Australia
Workplace drug testing is a part of proper and normal business practices. If, however, you have no experience with these screening methods, then you may want to look into it further. It is vital that you do not develop assumptions about the process and implementation of workplace drug testing. It can be the best thing you do for your business, no matter what your employees think of it.
However, if you include them in the decision making process, they will most likely not mind so much.
We are not even talking about giving them a poll or having everyone vote. It needs to be far more personal than that. For instance, you can gather all of your employees around, treat them as if they are upper management, be the leader who makes the end decision, but have them open up a conversation about employee drug screening. If some of them abuse drugs or alcohol while on the worksite, they will probably protest, but if you keep emphasizing how much this will increase safety and that what they do on their own time, after work, is none of your business, there is a high likelihood of winning the abusers over, too.
You see, people want to have options, even if there are just fewer of them. Alcohol and drug testing is part of making sure that your company is a safe one. You certainly would not want to have a reputation for otherwise. Your attitude change is part of the attitude change in your entire business. Believe me, it begins with you. Mediscreen is not only an onsite drug & alcohol testing company, we are also accredited for urine screening by NATA. That is pretty impressive in itself. And, as the leader of your company, if your attitude changes or is chosen to be altered by you in any way, then it affects everything below, i.e. your whole business.
Keep your mind open to the possibilities of using employee drug screening with Mediscreen. We are professionals and we seek to serve you and impress you, not the other way around. It is our job to show you how effective and useful drug and alcohol test can be. 
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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Carpe Diem

Alcohol Drug Testing
Alcohol Drug Testing
Seize the day” is one of the best ways to inspire someone to get their mind out of the future or out of the past. What better way to get them back in the present, where they belong? So many people think that it’s not possible to bring people back from a past experience that they seem unable to separate themselves from, or to pull their heads out of the future and get them to focus on the here and now, but this is not the case. Of course you can inspire people to live life in the moment, seize the day, and jump with both feet into whatever project they are working on!
Carpe diem, or “seize the day” as it is often translated, means not waiting until the time seems perfect or until you finally get over all of your fears or you finally think that you’re ready to try something you’ve never tried before. It means jumping right into the day, the night, the excitement, the peace, the quiet and the noise of life as it is now, and to bring your own personal self to the picture, no matter what may be thrown back at you in response.
Mediscreen is a company which is NATA accredited for onsite drug testing. We believe in bringing the security of today into the future, and remembering the past for what it is: another day to record and then move on from. Drug and alcohol testing does not mean that you will be controlling the past. Rather, you will be documenting the past and controlling the future by making decisions based upon the data you will receive concerning your employees. Onsite drug and alcohol screening is part of this vast circle, and we here at Mediscreen invite you to prove us.
Prove our services to you, as in test them, by questioning us, questioning our practices, pushing against us, and making out the nature of our character, so to speak. Bring your high quality and low quality problems to us, and we will put together workplace drug testing program which serves your needs in the best way.
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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Believing in Yourself, For Your Own Sake

Drug Screening
Drug Screening
A lot of companies encourage their employees to improve themselves, but this is not always taken up by their workers. There is a lot of controversy as to whether it is appropriate to help yourself when there are so many other people out there who could use your help.
It all comes down to how important it is to feed yourself before you give food to others. While it may seem like the Christian thing to do, it has more value if you feed yourself first, and then other people. Why is this the case? Because if someone needs your help, you must be well fed and strong enough to help them carry their own burdens. Putting everything on yourself when you are not strong enough simply weakens both of you, and strengthens or helps neither one of you.
Mediscreen believes in the power that businesses hold over their own opportunities. Rather than sending your steady, faithful worksite employees all the way to the nearest large city to be screened on a regular basis, Mediscreen can come to your jobsite and do it for you, right there at work. Onsite drug and alcohol screening is a part of this noble process of self sustaining and self serving.
It is not enough, or even very powerful at all, to believe in yourself for the sake of someone else. It doesn’t take much to topple that house of cards. Believing in yourself for the sake of, well, you is far more effective.
Who has better interest in how your life will turn out than you? Who cares more about your future and the safety and security of your business than you?
Mediscreen, a NATA accredited company for onsite drug testing, brings drug & alcohol testing straight to your place of business. There is a lovely thought to how much believing in yourself can change the way you interact with your employees. By taking the initiative to protect them, you are forming an employer-employee bond with them which is both protective and guiding. It would help anyone become a better worker.
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Monday, March 10, 2014

A Mediscreen Perspective

Drug Testing Australia
Drug Testing Australia
To you, our client, the world will probably look differently than it does to us. To you, the world may be pretty much focused on your business, the improvement of your business, and taking good care of your company and its employees.
To us, the world is filled with strong, vibrant businesses and we cater to helping them do employee drug screening in Australia. We believe that, in order to have these strong, vibrant businesses, you must be able to rely upon and depend upon your employees. To that end, Mediscreen brings you onsitedrug & alcohol testing services.
We do not see the world as a singular operation. We know that that is in your hands and that you are the best at what you do for your company. No, rather, we view the world through the perspective of enterprise, free range services, flexible market demands and uses, and everyone accomplishing what they need to accomplish in this world to satisfy their own dreams.
To that end, we not only bring you workplace drug testing, but we bring you the unique services of onsitedrug and alcohol screening. We come to your place of business, we screen your employees, their records are kept onsite, they are screened onsite, we leave, and you return to normal operations. This is much preferable to sending all of your workers out on a regular basis to get tested at a laboratory which may or may not be close to the jobsite.
Well, that’s no longer a problem. We come to you. If your worksite is located in Australia, we come to you, no matter where you are. That is what makes our perspective such a high quality one. Furthermore, we are NATA accredited for workplace drug testing, and that makes you understand just how much we value your business and all of our clientele. In the Mediscreen perspective, we have a lot to live up to, when you bring your business to us. We know that we must make you proud of our work, or you’ll find someone worthier of your custom.
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Friday, March 7, 2014

Action makes Motivation

Drug Testing Australia
Drug Testing Australia
A lot of people, including the author herself up until recently, believe that motivation is what inspires action. Motivation is the offshoot of circumstances. It is not the originator of circumstances. That sounds kind of backwards to many people, but the truth is that we all feel very motivated when we are getting a lot accomplished. However, if we sit around on the couch, waiting for motivation to strike, it rarely does.
Why is it that action makes motivation?
Well, action is live productivity. When repeated or continued over a period of time, this live productivity multiplies and begins to inspire more action and more live productivity. It builds on itself, so that the foundation for your sense of accomplishment has already been laid down. It becomes closer to a house being built as time goes on, especially if done in a short amount of time, rather than spread out with lots of long breaks in between. It is the continuous action which makes the highest motivation and the highest energy to fuel more action. If you have interruption, then you dilute the effect of the effect of what you are doing. It is better by far to keep at what you are doing, no matter what, until it is finished.
Mediscreen specializes in workplace drug testing, for which we are NATA accredited. We believe in bringing onsite drug and alcohol testing because it makes the screening process so much easier and more efficient for you, our customer. Why else would we ever want to become involved in drug screening as a whole? The process itself can be laborious and stressful for those people who have to travel to a laboratory to get their screening tests done. Rather than engage in that, you can have us come to your workplace, screen your beloved workers, and obtain the information you need in order to make your company decisions. You will not know what hiring, firing, and retention needs to serve until you have all of the data back from your workplace drug testing. Mediscreen can bring this to you.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wild Abundance

Workplace Drug Testing
Workplace Drug Testing
Nature is filled with wild abundance. There is no example in nature of needs being “just” filled, or of wants and desires being provided “just enough.” Nature is wildly abundant and overflowing with excess and riches galore. There is nothing on this earth which is manmade which is equal to the overflowing excess of abundance and beauty and function and purpose which is found in nature.
One apple seed grows into an apple tree, which produces thousands upon thousands of apple seeds.
One animal mating produces years of litters of animals, each one of whom grows up and produces hundreds of more animals.

One acorn grows into an oak tree, which blue jays hide and then forget about. Squirrels bury the acorns, too, but bury far more than they need in the winter. All of these extraneous acorns grow up into oak trees which produce millions of more acorns.

Wouldn’t it be nice if people were able to truly contribute to the world in the same way that nature does, with this wild abundance all of the time?

In business, we can at least carefully guard the assets which we earn, and protect the employees as assets from harm or from low productivity by not allowing substance abusers into our workforce. These people are hard working and valuable, and they shouldn’t have to worry about the typical problems which come with having substance abusers as coworkers. These problems include, but are not limited to, lying, cheating, stealing, low motivation, low productivity, unearned senses of entitlement, arrogance without backing, pride without substance, and a variety of other ill circumstances.

Nobody should have to deal with that and you can protect your workplace environment from this type of behavior by using workplace drug testing from Mediscreen. We are accredited by NATA for onsite drug screening, and we bring onsite drug and alcohol testing to the worksites of this great nation of ours. All you have to do is call us up, ask us any questions you may have, and schedule an onsite drug screening appointment. It is the goal of Mediscreen to become the leading onsite drug & alcohol testing provider in Australia.

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