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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Carnal Part of Your Brain

health screening
health screening
We all have a more sophisticated, more rational side to our brain, and we all have a very animalistic, carnal, savage center to our brain. It is really important to understand where our animal tendencies come from, and how much of these tendencies govern our habits and thoughts and actions. The truth is that the carnal part of your brain is where most, if not all, of your decision making actually resides. Yes, we said it, and no, we are not taking it back. Our least developed parts of our brain, the really primal parts of it, are the parts which make most of our daily and short term decisions for us. That is really exciting in some cases, and really depressing in others. Why is this the case?

Well, for one thing, if you are trying to exercise sexual, athletic, fitness, eating, or other animal control over your body, you are the least likely to succeed at these tasks. On the other hand, if you are looking to establish habits of control in refinement, decorum, and anything which requires taste and sophistication, these habits are much easier to establish. So does that mean that we are all destined to become sex crazed art fanatics? No, not really. Many people have the ability to usurp the primal parts of their brain until they can think more clearly about the issue. However, this must only be a temporary fix. If we regularly allow our primal brain to breathe and have some exercise, we are less likely to lose control, walk into a school, and gun down everyone in sight. It is the suppression of our brain which eventually leads to problems down the line.

Unfortunately, when your workers engage in drug or alcohol abuse while at work, they are usurping both their primal and their developed brains, and they are creating a numbed existence for themselves in which they can neither work nor be productive. Mediscreen is the onsite drug testing and alcohol testing company that you need to make sure you know about your employees’ screening test status. We are NATA accredited for medical testing, and are ISO 18001 accredited.

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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Reliability and Personal Interaction

drug testing Australia
drug testing Australia
It is with lots of pride that we introduce the topic of reliability. You see, Mediscreen, as an Australia renowned drug and alcohol testing company, desires all of our clients to view us as a reliable source of onsite drug and alcohol screening. Personal interaction is part of reliability and reliability is a part of personal interaction, but they are definitely not synonymous. For instance, many people are good at their people skills, at their personal interaction, but they are not necessarily reliable. By the same token, many people are reliable but may not possess the people skills necessary to do good business with others.

As you can see, they are necessary for each other, but they are not mutually exclusive. You see, we go to work with a tool belt. Yes, we mean the kind of tool belt that you would see a construction worker using, but in this case, we mean in a mental sense. We must have a certain amount of professionalism and public persona developed, and we must be steady, consistent and reliable most of the time, as well as being intelligent, creative, and so on. You know the drill. You know what skills businesses are typically looking for, if you have been out in the job market or working for many years. It has to do with the whole package, not just some of it.

Your workers won’t be reliable, though, if they bring illicit substances into the workplace and abuse them onsite. They are influential to the degree that they are, and they can bring other coworkers in on the situation. You may need to nip it in the bud if this is going on, but how would you know without using drug and alcohol testing? Mediscreen brings the reliability of onsite drug and alcohol screening, the mobile service provided by Mediscreen, to the forefront of the Australian business marketplace. We are proud of our position, and alcohol and drug testing is really necessary for businesses to maintain their competitive edge. Do you and your senior staff want synthetic drug testing? Mediscreen has it.

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Greed and Self Worth

drug testing experts
drug testing experts
Greed is considered a vice. If you have greed, then you have an unreasonably high desire for things like wealthy, money and people whom you are stalking. Greed is associated with rich, fat bankers sitting among mountains of gold, but the truth is that most of us experience greed, especially when we are not used to having enough. In fact, that is where greed shows its face the most: when someone who is used to not having enough finally gets more than enough for the first time in their lives. Greed is very likely to kick in then and they go bonkers.

Self worth is pretty important, too. If you know your own worth, then you are able to resist sexual, relationship, and “settling for something less than you” temptations. You are not desperate to fill the emptiness and void in your life because you fill it with, not work or play, but with yourself. That is very important and one of the most powerful attributes to have in your life.

If you know your own worth, then you are not scared to take risks or to engage in leverage, because you know what you can and cannot risk investing or gambling in life. You know the score, and therefore never make a wrong direction. In life, this is of the utmost importance.

Now, if you can make sure your business behaves itself with as much decorum, you are in good shape. But one or more of your employees may be abusing illicit substances such as drugs or alcohol and they may be putting their coworkers in danger. There is no way of knowing about this without spying on them twenty-four-seven, but there is a way to make sure that it doesn’t enter your jobsite. You can use drug and alcohol testing from Mediscreen. With our onsite drug testing, you can be assured of the state of your employees’ bloodstreams throughout the working day. Mediscreen is NATA accredited for medical testing and our onsite saliva collection is top notch. Drug testing in Australia has never been this easy, this affordable, or this efficient.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Believe in Yourself, for No One Else Will

drug testing experts
drug testing experts
Believing in yourself is something that we are all taught as kids, particularly around Christmastime. After all, children should see the world as an open book and who knows where their adventures will take them? There is a certain powerful aspect to the notion of believing in yourself. Unfortunately, not everyone gets as a far as that, because they are quickly limited by poverty, parental advice against doing anything considered useful to children, and by teachers and peer pressure, both of which wield an uncanny amount of influence over a small child.

Naturally, it is with great anticipation that we flock to events which remind us how to believe in ourselves. It is this which makes us better prepared for our lives in the future. We get a piece of ourselves, of our childhoods back, and this helps us remember the times when we had no fear, we had no worry, and we just lived and lived fully, at that.

Workers in your company, your beloved employees who you care about so much, have to believe in themselves, as well. However, those who achieve a sort of equilibrium or contented balance within their workplace can still be easily thrown off by their coworkers if their coworkers abuse drugs or alcohol in the workplace environment. It is presumed that if anyone abuses substances, they do so after they go home from work. The next day may not have any of their drunken behavior. However, if they abuse while at work, they are not only affected themselves and potentially putting other people in danger depending upon the job they do, but they are affecting their coworkers, those happy employees who have been successfully holding onto their equilibrium.

Mediscreen brings out the best in your business. We specialize in workplace testing service in Perth, WA and all over Australia. Our mobile drug and alcohol testing services makes us really popular because we screen your employees at your place of business. That is a really important thing to be able to do, and it saves you and your workers both time and money. Drug and alcohol screening nationwide is of paramount importance.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Being the First to Love

You might think this article is about romantic relationships, but it’s not. It’s about all types of relationships, including those between employer and employee and those between coworkers. This piece is about how interesting it is to find friends and amiable companions all around us. We as a society value correct social behavior and interactions, but we also value our privacy and our sense of security. This is why you can get on an elevator with someone you’ve known for ten years (through the elevator rides you two take together) and still not have a need to talk or get personal or have a discussion or anything.

However, there are times when you find a friend who is intelligent, engaging, complimentary, good looking, or anything else you particularly value or find appealing. You wish to be friends, to be more than acquaintances, and yet you are unsure about how to go about establishing this connection without coming on too strong or looking like a stalker.

In order to achieve the correct equilibrium, you must pay attention to the social cues they give you. If they appear to be distracted and inattentive, they probably have something on their mind or they are upset by something. Leave them alone for now. If they are anxious and you think you may be of help, find out about it, but only to the degree in which you can assist them. It is very important that you remember your own contribution while you are establishing a connection with them.

Workplace drug testing laws are here to help businesses succeed, and that includes keeping everyone safe and secure by using onsite drug testing. We are not saying that AOD testing Australia wide will keep people from abusing drugs or alcohol in the workplace, but it will at least give you the information you need to make your decision equitably and carefully. Mediscreen is NATA accredited for medical testing, we are AS15189 accredited, and we know how important it is that you have everything you need for the work you are doing with your company and for the work your company is doing for the world.

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Monday, May 19, 2014

Basic Understanding of Group Dissociation

synthetic drug testing
synthetic drug testing
What is group dissociation? Well, it is basically the act of separating yourself, gradually or quickly, from a group of people with whom you are often associated. When someone wishes to isolate themselves from a church group or from a group of friends, this can be known as group dissociation. It is also a good term to describe someone who steadfastly refuses to mingle with a crowd, but sits on the edge of the scene watching everything or occupying themselves otherwise, but not engaging with anyone.

Group dissociation is typically a negative term. If you have an employee who is abusing drugs or alcohol, they may dissociate themselves from the group of coworkers and therefore isolate themselves from the most productive and the highest paid of the working environment. It is a part of typical of these individuals to continue isolating themselves until they have no one left and just leave the job out of frustration. We all need people in some kind of context.

Typically, group dissociation is negative, but there are times when it can be positive. Political protest against an oppressive regime, refusing to fit into a group of people who are abusing substances and themselves, thus destroying their futures, and many other examples. This is also a situation where people may find it more enjoyable to just sit by themselves and reflect.

For those of your employees who are a part of their group, they can easily be influenced by workers who abuse drugs and alcohol at their workplace. 

Therefore, it is important that you know about this if it should occur. That is the reason for using onsite saliva collection and other forms of onsite drug testing. Mediscreen is particularly proud of being NATA accredited for medical testing. We know how important it is that you have all of the resources you need at your disposal. If you would like to sign up for regular drug and alcohol testing, all you have to do is visit our website or give us a call.

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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Stronger Than You Think

health screening
health screening
When you are stronger than you think, you may constantly impress yourself with your new found abilities, or…you may let yourself down by being sure that you are not up to the task. So there is both an upside and a downside to being stronger than you think. You will not know if you are stronger unless you actually try to perform the tasks and come out on top of everything.

When we go through our lives, it can feel as if we are just barely hanging on or as if we may fall or slip at any moment. We may feel the depth and understanding of an issue, but feel weak and incompetent when it comes to actually implementing a known solution. It is this addressing of ourselves with respect to real life which makes us feel like maybe we are not that strong.

The truth is that no matter what you say or think or promise, it is what you do which will bring results in your life, and while you are spending a good deal of your time concentrating on positive things, it is a really important idea to then feel the urge to act when it comes upon you. Don’t force the issue or anything, but when you do feel the urge to act, then go for it. It is very important that you recognize the difference between dreaming and doing, because they both very much have their own functions and places in your life and they both contribute heavily to your success, but you should be able to tell when it is time to switch over to the other one.

In your company, you must be very strong, even if you are very good at delegating tasks and teaching your employees how to do it right so that they can then do it for themselves. If you are not strong, you may feel compelled to do all of the work yourself, and that will leave you with a very exhausted and far less productive outcome. You need Mediscreen to make sure that your employees are doing their jobs, instead of engaging in illicit substance abuse on the worksite. Mediscreen is NATA accredited for medical testing, and we are one of the leading mobile drug testing providers in the nation.

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Strangling Effects on Your Work

drug testing experts
drug testing experts
If your work is suffering, it may not be because of your lack of motivation or will to do it. It may be because of other factors. Have you ever noticed the spirit of the workplace in which you perform your job? Have you ever noticed how everything feels as a whole and whether or not the other employees are high quality people? Chances are that if you don’t feel like you are in the company of quality people, one or two of them may be engaging in drug or alcohol abuse.

It is this type of disrespect for the professionalism in your workplace that can really make you want to give them only one strike before you fire them.

However, many companies have a three strike policy, where the employees gets two chances to retain their employment before they are finally fired because they abuse illicit substances at work for a third time.

If your coworkers are around people who engage in this type of behavior, then their lack of motivation will be contagious and will spread to your other coworkers and maybe even to you. If, however, you are the boss and these are your employees to whom we are referring then you may find it easier to help them over rough patches by carefully guiding them along the path which needs to be traveled.

There are many strangling effects on your work, but drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace is one of the major ones, even if you are not the substance abuser yourself. Just being around irresponsible people is depressing. Make sure your employees are not suffering from this type of work de-motivation.

Get help from Mediscreen. We are one of the leading mobile drug and alcohol testing companies in Australia, and we are NATA accredited in onsite drug testing. Drug testing in Australia is much easier when done at your place of business, and Mediscreen is here to help you. We perform pre-employment screening, and that is really effective because it helps us to give you an edge in your hiring process.

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Strange, Ignorant Life Forms

mobile drug alcohol testing
mobile drug alcohol testing
When creatures from outer space visit us, we find them…oh wait. We cannot discuss that at this time. Alright, IF creatures from outer space visited us, we would find them to be very peculiar and we would find their customs to be either backward or innovative, depending upon where those customs fall along our own human history timeline. The truth is that it is very important to respect the traditions of other species, and so therefore it would be necessary to avoid referring to them as “ignorant” if their traditions fell into a more historical context from our own.

Well, among human society, we often have the same problems just among ourselves. If one of us has experienced the negative side of a lifestyle, then that person is quick to condemn it and reject it publicly. However, if they have experienced the positive side of the same lifestyle, they are quick to support it. Therefore, the exact same issue can be seen as either successful and innovative or backward and ignorant by two different people, both of whom have already experienced this lifestyle.

In the working world, it is necessary to see things in a larger context. Yes, a shipping clerk is important, but they are important for the very reason that shipping is about one third of the business operations and without it your company revenue would not exist. If you are able to see the overall context of each of your employees and their role within the business, you are able to accomplish a great deal even when everyone else is focusing on specific details.

Onsite drug testing is brought to you by Mediscreen. We are NATA accredited for medical testing, and we will bring your employees the work health check that you need. It is this information which provides you with the decision making capabilities of who to hire and who to retain and who to deal with through other methods. This is one of the most advanced services available in businesses worldwide. Mediscreen provides onsite AOD testing for Australia, and we are proud to be at the forefront of mobile service.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pressure on You

synthetic drug testing
synthetic drug testing
Okay, we have all been under pressure. However, most of us get a break from it sometimes! If you are not one of those people, but are bombarded with incessant pressure from all sides all of the time, then you may want to consider bailing out of your work and personal lives a few times and just finding a quiet place to relax, not think about work (we said “not”!) and remember who you are and what you can become all by yourself.

You do not live in a world of statistics and numbers and data everywhere. You are not, in reality, up to your knees in billing reports and your boss’s letters of complaint about your work ethic. That is just a place you go to on some days to bring in cash and put food on your table and a roof over your head. But this life, that you are leading, that is just a temporary state of affairs.

In reality, you are funny, sarcastic, colorful, witty, deep, insightful, dangerous, sweet, loving, tactile, brainy, analytical, and all of the other things which make you so brilliant. In truth, you are your own keeper, and nobody (and we mean nobody) is able to take that truth away from you. In reality, you have complete and utter control over your mind, body, circumstances, work life, home life, and what you do for a living, how you spend your time in the summer, and what books you curl up with in the winter.

If someone forgets that for long enough they may resort to drugs and alcohol to create another false reality for themselves. Neither their mind numbing perspective on their jobs nor their substance abuse of any kind are the full, colorful, vibrant reality which makes them feel whole again. You business deserves people who understand their professions better than this. Make sure everyone is behaving themselves by regularly implementing mobile drug alcohol testing. Mediscreen provides onsite drug testing to Australia as a whole, and we are even NATA accredited for our health screening services.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Grudges and Old Associates

drug testing program
drug testing program
Grudges are one of the things that make the world go around. Yes, we said it. Grudges make the world go around. How can we possibly mean this? Well, for starters, grudges keep us in touch with our past, a past which might normally fade away and make us forget who we are. Second of all, grudges help us to think of all of the ways in which we must fight for a new and better tomorrow. Yes, thinking negatively all of the time is very detrimental to both the mind and the body, but we can all use a good grudge or two to keep us balanced between the future and the past.

Old associates remind us of the good old days, as well as of those old remembrances, grudges, anger, and satisfaction from revenge spread sweetly. Old associates remind us of just how far we have come in the intermediate time, and where we are going in the immediate future. We have balance when we meet people from our past. We are grounded and better able to handle future problems when, just once in a while, we come across a relic from our past, be it a person, place, or thing.

The business place is filled with people who almost feel competitive with each other and who almost feel as if they will lose it if they don’t get better control over their own lives.

Some of these people resort to drug or alcohol abuse, right there in the workplace, just to get through the day. In this way, we have all been tempted once or twice…or twenty thousand times…when things seem to just pile on top of each other, forever.

Your business needs workplace drug testing to make sure that it stays on top of any substance abuse which may be occurring. Mediscreen is what you need for this, and our aim to provide high quality NATA accredited health screening all over Australia is a great plan for every business in this great nation of ours.

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Friday, May 9, 2014

Do You Fight or Engage in Flight?

health screening
health screening
If you are naturally an aggressive person, then you probably have a lot of experience with engaging in conflict. If you are naturally a fighter or your fighting spirit is really well developed, then you are not likely to engage in flight. If, however, you find yourself needing to fly, you may not be prepared for or experienced with avoiding someone or something for very long. It is something which we all engage in and it is something which we all know how to do, but some of us are better at fighting and some of us are better at flying.

In this world, we encounter dangers or perceived dangers all of the time. We see the world around us like a dream or a concoction of different themes and devices either pulling for us or pushing against us, either negatively or positively, and we view the world through a dense underbrush of twigs and leaves, and perhaps not as clearly as we should.

There are so many things to love and cherish in the world around us. There are so many ways in which our world intertwines with those of other people. However, in order to establish proper boundaries and to delineate our own defenses, we must have rules by which we follow our decision making. Instead of freaking out, we must be in a position to control our circumstances just enough that our lives can grow but we still are at the helm, guiding the ship through its proper course.

At Mediscreen, we believe in the power and efficacy of our onsite drug testing and alcohol testing services. We know how important it is that you have a drug testing collection agency which is good for your business, giving you the information you need in order to properly make decisions regarding your employees. We are NATA accredited for workplace drug testing, and we are good at what we do. If you are looking for mobile drug and alcohol testing to service your business, then we are the people for you.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Understanding Relationship of Fatigue and D&A

drug testing Australia
drug testing Australia
Fatigue and the use of drugs and alcohol is a topic that has been discussed for over a decade from a legal perspective. Consider the following statements made in court:1

Regina v Randall John Harm - In 2005, a long distance truck driver was sentenced to jail as a result of causing an accident in which two people died and another was injured. The judge made a lengthy statement in which he said, “On many occasions the Courts have heard the same sad litany of explanations for the state of a driver involved in an incident or collision arising out of fatigue, not uncommonly associated with the use of drugs such as amphetamines.”

Workcover Authority of New South Wales v Hitchcock (2004, 139 IR 439) – A fatigued truck driver was trying to meet unreasonable delivery deadlines. He caused an accident in which a man was killed. The company was accused of “…failing to manage the risk of fatigue…” thus endangering workers and the NSW public.

2003 Coroner Inquest into deaths of three long-distance truck drivers – Dorelle Pincher, Deputy State Coroner was asked to identify any common factors. The response was, “The underlying factor in all three fatalities was fatigue…Mr. Walsh died at a truck stop from Methamphetamine Toxicity and Mr. Supple had a fatal level of Methamphetamine in his blood…[and] while Mr. Forsyth tested negative to drugs [there was] a small amount of Methamphetamine found in his wallet….I note that tests of Messrs. Supple and Walsh also revealed levels of cannabis….used by truck drivers to help them sleep after they have used Methamphetamine.”

Now there are many more laws concerning drugged and drunk driving, and states like South Australia (SA) do random roadside saliva drug testing for THC, meth (speed), and MDMA (ecstasy). These laws support employer efforts to combat the use of substances through implementation of AOD policies and procedures that include random testing of safety sensitive positions. Most people know by now that drugs and alcohol impact psychomotor and cognitive functions, but one of the most dangerous side effects for people operating heavy equipment of any kind is fatigue. As the legal cases involving truck drivers show, drug-induced fatigue can lead to the deaths of drivers and innocent people using public roads.

Treating and Causing Fatigue

The relationship of fatigue and drugs is two-pronged. Employees use drugs to combat fatigue, but drug and alcohol use can lead to fatigue. Chronic fatigue impacts general health, increases the risk of injury or death in the workplace, and lowers job performance and productivity. Despite recognising the role of drugs in the trucking accidents, the Australian judges sentencing the truck drivers who caused the deaths and injuries to others laid much blame on the employers who did not following safety rules. Onsite drug testing is one step in an overall approach to workplace safety, and it should not be implemented in a vacuum. The employers of the truck drivers were faulted for setting unreasonable delivery goals and not checking driving logs to verify the drivers were following the rules.

Fatigue is more than a feeling of tiredness that can be erased with some sleep. It is an ongoing state of tiredness. Truck drivers skirting the rules, working long hours and exerting extreme physical effort, are likely to experience fatigue. Fatigue can have similar effects on the human body as drugs, including loss of mental acuity and impaired physical performance. When workers in any position (not just truck drivers) use drugs or alcohol in the belief they will combat the exhaustion, they are actually enhancing the fatigue and its effects.

Doubling the Effects

Looking at a laundry list of the effects of fatigue is like looking at a list of the effects of drugs and alcohol. Here are just few fatigue effects to prove the point:2

Difficulty concentrating or avoiding distractions Problems maintaining vigilance Impaired ability to recognise risks Impaired hand-eye coordination Increased error rates Increased risk of accidents and injuries Slowed reaction times

Drugs and alcohol cause fatigue in several ways. Some slow down the nervous system, whilst others can speed it up. After an initial high, the drug or alcohol user crashes. The coupling of a high stress workload and substance use is a formula for chronic fatigue. Drug testing experts are the first to say that an AOD testing program should be implemented and managed within workplace context. It is not enough to randomly test people. It needs to be part of a larger health and wellness program that includes addressing workplace conditions and requirements.

General health and well-being is the foundation of all the services and products Mediscreen offers employers on an Australian-wide basis. Mediscreen is a NATA accredited national provider of support services for onsite drug testing at workplace sites.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tech Savvy Generations Buying Drugs Online

drug testing Australia
drug testing Australia
When Daniel Skelly was found dead in his home November 2013 from a drug overdose, it was a complete shock to everyone who knew him. The death was sudden, which was a shock in itself since he was only 21 years old. The shock was doubled when it was confirmed the death was due to a cocaine overdose. As his mother explained, “I had never seen him drunk, I never saw a single sign that he might be taking drugs.”1 His parents had no idea he was using drugs or where he was getting them. So his mother began searching social media sites and bank accounts, and what she found was an underworld economy built on the Deep Web that relied on the mysterious bitcoins for currency.

Baby Boomers make up the last generation that can talk about growing up with no internet. Gen X grew up with emerging technology, but the Millennials and the Digital Generation or Gen Z are full blown children of the internet age. Younger people are now tech savvy and comfortable learning every new technology that appears. Consider the fact that the Silk Road, a secret online drug trading site, was allegedly developed and maintained by a Millennial, Ross Ulbricht, who was also an engineer.

Going Deep for Drugs

The anonymous website Silk Road was run on the Deep Web or Dark Web, the internet equivalent of an underground, black market operation. The Dark Web or Deep Web is accessed through a browser called TOR and operates below the surface of the mainstream Internet operation or Visible Web. The Visible Web is accessed using the well-known search engines like Google. The Deep Web is “invisible” in that it is not accessed by traditional search engines. The Deep Web surprisingly makes up 96 percent of the internet content and is anonymous. In the simplest terms, the Deep Web stores information in databases instead of web pages, and files go through several interconnected servers as encrypted data. It takes a special anonymous browser like TOR to reach into the Deep Web.2

TOR is not illegal and is used by people and groups that need privacy. For example, it is used by journalists and the police. However, since the Deep Web is anonymous, it is also used for criminal activity, including dealing drugs, arranging assassinations, trading weapons, and sharing child pornography. Silk Road was one of the online drug dealing and assassination sites on the Deep Web. People could buy illicit drugs using bitcoins, a virtual currency that is actually strings of computer coding.

Though Silk Road was shut down, it was not the only Deep Web drug dealing site. When Daniel Skelly’s mother investigated how her son bought drugs on Silk Road, she learned that, after Silk Road’s shutdown, he began using the similar sites Black Market Reloaded and Sheep. However, unlike Silk Road, these sites are easily accessed and openly list illicit drugs, synthetic drugs, and prescription medications for sale. Daniel was buying cocaine from these sites with nitcoins, the only type of currency accepted. Astonishingly, the cocaine was delivered right to Daniel’s door via Express Post.

Here to Stay

In the 2013 Global Drugs Survey, one 1-out-of-10 people admitted they purchased drugs online. These are the tech savvy people who are completely comfortable using the internet, bitcoins, the Deep Web, and other technologies. Mrs. Skelly learned during her research that there is a growing number of young Australians buying drugs online, and they are not worried about getting caught. There is already a SilkRoad2 operating, in addition to sites like Pandora, The Pirate Market, Agora, and NiceGuy. Academics and government authorities freely admit that the Deep Web is here to stay and largely uncontrollable.

Employers cannot stop workers from using the Deep Web to buy drugs. 

However, they can take several important steps to keep substances out of the workplace. First, there should a current drug and alcohol policy in place at all times. Second, pre-employment drug & health testing can identify those who are substance free. Third, a random onsite AOD testing program should be implemented and consistently maintained. Fourth, workers must be regularly trained on the policy and procedures and the relationship of health and wellness to drug and alcohol abuse. Last but not least, managers must always be alert for indications of drugs and alcohol. For example, perhaps an unexpected Express Post should be opened in front of more than one person.

Mediscreen offers a high quality on-site drug and health screening system and onsite Health & Wellness testing. Experienced professionals work closely with employers across Australia to ensure that quality AOD screenings are used in the effort to maintain a substance free workplace.

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Monday, May 5, 2014

Reducing Alcohol Consumption Through Consistent Messaging

synthetic drug testing
synthetic drug testing
The ACT government says that close to half of ACT workers consume harmful levels of alcohol on a single occasion.1 Certainly ACT is not the only state or territory that can make that claim. What does that have to do with the workplace? The answer: Some of those “single occasions” are likely work-related events or occur after work when people gather to “have a few.” Employers can play an important role discouraging this type of behaviour by creating a workplace culture that supports healthy lifestyles and by ensuring a consistent message is sent in the way work activities and events are conducted.

Here is a fact coming out of research. Keeping drinking to four or less drinks on any occasion reduces the risk of injury occurring on that occasion.2 When an employer hosts a party, conference, or other event, there are always people who over-drink. When it is tolerated, the person earns a reputation, but just as importantly, a clear message is sent to the workplace: Drinking too much alcohol is okay on some occasions.

Looking for Mixed Messages

It is easy to send mixed signals without meaning to cause harm. However, it does not make sense to have a zero tolerance policy for drugs and alcohol in the workplace and then condone drinking at work events. Inconsistent messaging undercuts the type of culture the employer wants to develop to promote a drug and alcohol free workplace. The following strategies are examples of how a consistent message is delivered:

Develop a workplace AOD policy that addresses alcohol consumption at workplace events Train employees on responsible drinking as a lifestyle choice Provide resources and information on safe drinking habits and the impact of alcohol on the body Provide resources to employees who want help reducing their alcohol consumption Educate employees on the medical research concerning safe drinking levels Prohibit alcohol in the workplace during any event Limit alcohol provided at off-site employer-sponsored events (planning ahead for getting workers home safe should they drink more than two drinks) Always provide non-alcoholic drinks as an option when alcohol is served Plan events that promote healthy lifestyles and involve no alcohol Provide each employee the option of a health screening Adhere to the random AOD testing program Consistently respond to incidences when testing produces positive results

These are just some of the ways employers can regularly and consistently remind employees that they are expected to remain alcohol free in the workplace and keep alcohol consumption to recommended safe levels on single occasions and over the long-term. Instead of focusing on catch-the-alcohol-consuming-employee, the employer should focus on developing a workplace culture that discourages alcohol use because it is the right thing to do for good health. Using a whole of organisation approach is the best strategy.

Mediscreen is a collecting agency and NATA accredited onsite drug & health screening service provider. Mediscreen also offers workplace Health and Wellness services that give employees a health snapshot of critical functions and provides factors for comparison. These services are essential to promoting a workplace culture that promotes healthy lifestyles.

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Friday, May 2, 2014

Quick Reminder on the Advantages of Developing a D&A Policy

drug testing program
drug testing program
Sometimes it is good to just step back for a minute, take a breather, and recall why certain policies and procedures are critical to business operations. It is easy to get wrapped up in day-to-day operations and individual events and lose sight of the ultimate goal. As each Australian company works through incidents involving drugs and alcohol, it is becoming clear that the case for developing a drug and alcohol policy is stronger than ever.

One of the responsibilities managers find unpleasant is the termination of employees for any reason. As the use of illicit drugs grows in Australia, there are more cases in which workers are terminated for using drugs or alcohol in the workplace. In turn, there are more cases being litigated as employees claim unfair dismissal. As each case is assessed on its own merits and a decision is made concerning the termination, employers benefit from the guidance and learn something new. However, underlying whatever is learned is a common theme: It is critical that every business have an AOD policy. Without the policy, employers have a much higher risk of losing a worker’s unfair dismissal claim.

What Did the Policy Say?

In 2009, in the case of Ruddell v Camberwell Coal Pty Limited T/A Integra Open Cut Mine, Mr. Rudell claimed unfair dismissal.1 The dismissal was on the grounds of serious misconduct because he knowingly submitted a false urine sample during a random drug test. The Mine Technician operated and worked around a lot of mobile machinery in a small area where there were a lot of other employees also operating equipment. His position was considered safety sensitive, and thus Mr. Rudell was required to submit to a random drug and alcohol test.

Briefly, the mine worker submitted a urine sample in a special specimen cup that measures the urine’s temperature. The temperature did not meet required body temperature, and the tester tried to find a thermometer to do a separate check. Whilst looking for a thermometer, the applicant left the room. That meant the urine sample was not always kept in sight of Mr. Ruddell and the tester. After approximately an hour-and-a-half, Mr. Ruddell did provide a second urine sample that had the right temperature and resulted in a non-negative result for cannabis.

The second sample was then sent to a laboratory for confirmatory testing. Mr. Ruddell was terminated because he put “his own recreation ahead of the safety of the people around him and himself.”2 The dismissal was upheld on the grounds Mr. Ruddell provided a false sample. However, here is the basis for the decision: The company’s AOD policy stated that a worker could be dismissed if he or she “deliberately adulterated or falsified a sample.”2

Clear and Unequivocal...but Fair

All throughout Fair Work’s decision is mention of the employer’s alcohol and drug policy and procedures. Since the employer, employee, and union had agreed on the policy and procedures, the worker was expected to adhere to it and accept the consequences for violating it. In developing, implementing, and communicating the AOD policy, the employer was exercising duty of care and fulfilling an obligation to minimise safety risks. A policy communicates expected worker behaviours and limits legal liability.

An effective policy has certain characteristics that include the following:3

Presents a clear and unequivocal policy statement Does not violate laws concerning prescription drug use or certain cases in which drug dependency is considered a disability Does not intrude into worker privacy except as allowed by law for AOD workforce testing; i.e. drug test on Monday reveals cocaine was used over the weekend when the person was not working Defines reasonable and consistent AOD testing practices Specifies how onsite or mobile drug & alcohol testing will be carried out, i.e. random basis and the designated time period (not specific days or times – just a general time period) Explains the consequences for various actions like testing positive, refusing to take a test, knowingly falsifying or adulterating a sample, repeat offenses, etc. Sets out the formal review process and the factors that will be considered during the disciplinary process Sets out the termination policies and procedures
There have now been a number of unfair dismissal cases brought by employees against their employers. The employers who win are the ones who have a strong AOD policy that is fairly and consistently applied. The policy needs to have some flexibility in terms of the review and disciplinary process because each situation is different. However, each decision concerning testing and consequences should be based in the employer’s duty of care to the safety of the entire workforce.

Contact Mediscreen for expert assistance with onsite drug and alcohol screening services. Mediscreen also offers mobile AOD screening through the use of a state-of-the-art equipped testing van. Mediscreen is NATA accredited to AS 4308 and section 2 of AS 4760 and uses breathalyser calibrated by a NATA accredited recalibration laboratory.

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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Key Factors to Consider During Safety Assessment

health screening
health screening
Occupational health and safety (OHS) is a popular topic but often a misunderstood one. It is frequently viewed in terms of providing health insurance, training employees in safety procedures, and maintaining a drug and alcohol testing program. However, Australian Standard AS/NZS 4801:2001 gives the definition of OHS as the “part of the overall management system which includes organisational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures...” Though it may be tempting to say, “Typical complex government overstatement,” the message for employers is that an effective health and safety program is an integrated process, meaning the Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) policy and testing program should be an integral component of OHS. As a critical business process, the implication is that AOD programs require risk assessments just like other components of OHS systems. The first step is identifying the key factors that could lead to a culture of non-conformance with the AOD policies.

Assessments Guide Policies and Procedures

Safety assessments focus first on identifying situations or conditions that increase the likelihood of injury, death, or health problems. Some situations are obvious. For example, chemical fumes can lead to worker respiratory problems. Employees using potentially dangerous equipment are more likely to be injured. What is not so obvious is a department in which work scheduling practices raise the stress level, leading to higher rates of substance use – legal and illicit. Using alcohol or drugs in the workplace increases the risk of injury for the employee and the co-workers. Therefore, it is important that safety assessments consider more than the obvious risks associated with activities like driving, using heavy equipment, engineering and architectural designing, mining, and so on.

Employers have a duty under the Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004 to educate workers and establish an appropriate policy to protect employees. Failure to do so can lead to employee litigation.1 The AOD perspective must be included in the process to show duty of care and ensure risks are adequately assessed. For example, a sharp blade will obviously injure but has the department workload been assessed from a safety perspective? Some people who are asked to work a lot of overtime or routinely do intense work are more likely to turn to substances to overcome fatigue or relieve stress. Therefore, minimising substance use begins with revising workloads, followed by random alcohol and drug testing. The safety assessment will guide the policy direction and implemented procedures. For example, people doing a work function identified as having a high risk of injury or death may be subjected to more frequent testing whilst the employer maintains random selection within the department or amongst the designated safety sensitive positions.

Taking Ownership of Workplace Safety

There are key factors that can guide risk assessments. The Vic government’s Worksafe SafetyMAP is an audit tool that employers can use to self-evaluate the performance of their OHS systems. It involves everyone in the workplace to promote a continual improvement process. Though SafetyMAP is designed for the OHS system, its principles apply to the alcohol and drug testing process also. The more workers are involved in promoting and maintaining a substance free workplace, the more likely they are going to take ownership of the policy and support the drug testing or use of breathalysers as important tools in protecting worker health and welfare. The key factors, adapted to the AOD policy and procedures, include the following:2

The likelihood that injury would occur should anyone use drugs or alcohol Current information about the types of hazards presented by various substances Identification of the people most competent to manage the AOD program, including educating and enforcing policies and procedures Process for consulting with workplace members to promote organisational-wide support Documentation methods Methods for ensuring ongoing compliance with OHS laws and regulations, standards, codes, industry best practices, etc.

Worksafe recommends turning to professionals or consultants with the right knowledge and technical expertise because they can help management look ahead rather than simply relying on counting past incidents and experiences. Overall, the message is that maintaining a substance free workplace is an ongoing process and not a periodic event. The key factors are guidelines for starting a journey to workplace wellness, health, and safety.

Mediscreen offers professional expertise in AOD testing Australia wide and has a range of workplace health and wellness options, including general worker health assessment. Using the Mediscreen approach leads to a drug and alcohol testing program that is integrated with the OHS system, giving employers the clear linkage between wellness and living substance free.

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