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Monday, December 17, 2012

Belief in Yourself

Belief in yourself is an often undervalued trait. People talk about having belief in yourself through cute little inspirational quotes, but often people do not actively teach this trait to each other or learn it themselves. Some people have belief in themselves to a certain degree, but it is always something which can be easily overlooked when times become difficult.

Having self respect and self confidence is a little different. These are views of yourself and your own nature. Having belief in yourself is another matter. It refers to the ability to see your own potential, unaffected and unable to be affected by the actions or opinions of others, and to act on it with fervor and with anticipation.

You remember a time when you were a small child and you were eager to ride your first bike or try out climbing those stairs. It is a feeling of excitement to try something new and to actually believe that you can achieve it if you keep trying. As adults, we have been somewhat programmed to give up if we pursue something that we really want and it does not come to us easily. Here is where the two opinions are kind of muddled together. One is based upon anticipation of learning a new skill or becoming good at a new character trait. The other is based upon going with your gut feeling on matters which are of importance to you.

Drugs and alcohol can rob you of this belief in yourself, and companies which implement onsite drug and alcohol screening are taking a step toward helping their employees to achieve their own personal goals. After all, if an employee cannot do that by working for you, what reason do they have to stay? Drug screening is the step toward building a better future. Drug testing Australia is easy now that Mediscreen is providing onsite testing. Drug alcohol testing is vital to your business being everything that it can be. If your employees are able to experience job development and growth through the use of this preventive and informative measure, then so much the better for everyone. Drug & alcohol testing is strong and effective. To implement alcohol testing in your own company, call Mediscreen today.

This article has been taken from

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